St. Louis Legal License Defense Attorneys
Imagine this: You receive a letter from the Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel of the State of Missouri. In bold letters across the front appear the words: “Personal and Confidential. To Be Opened By Addressee Only.” What do you do?
The most important way to protect your legal license is to consult an experienced attorney. At Leritz & Plunkert, located in St. Louis, we represent lawyers throughout Missouri whose professional licenses are being called into question.
Protect your license, your reputation and your livelihood.
Even Attorneys Need Legal Counsel
At Leritz & Plunkert, we help lawyers protect their licenses after allegations of professional negligence or misconduct. Many of our attorneys have investigated allegations of unethical conduct on behalf of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel. In addition to representing lawyers before the Regional Disciplinary Committee, attorney Tom Plunkert has also represented judges before Missouri’s statewide Commission on Retirement, Removal and Discipline of judges.
Mr. Plunkert was among the first group of lawyers to receive training at the University of Missouri when the Missouri Supreme Court initiated what is now Missouri Supreme Court Rule 5.10 in 1995. He has been engaged in the confidential mediation of Bar Complaints ever since. Mr. Plunkert also speaks at various seminars on matters involving legal ethics.
Legal License Defense
If you’ve received a letter from the Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel, call Leritz & Plunkert immediately. Your livelihood could depend on it. Contact us at 314-269-0135 or 800-383-1418.